How To

How To Activate HBOMax On Apple TV, Samsung TV, Xbox, Fire TV, And Roku

If you’re looking for a tutorial on how to acquire the TV sign in code for your Smart TVs, streaming devices like Roku and Firestick, and gaming consoles like PS4 and Xbox to enable the HBOMax app on these platforms via, go no further. HBOMax is a separate streaming platform that gathers together all HBOMax to provide access to additional movies, episodes, live events, and other content. 

Consoles such as Samsung Smart TV, Apple TV, Fire TV, Vizio Smart TV, Xbox One, 360, X|S series, and Playstation 4 may access the HBOMax streaming platform. However, an HBOMax TV sign in code is necessary to activate the HBOMax app on all of these devices via This code acts as a link between your HBOMax account and your streaming or mobile device. 

As a result, if you’re having trouble with the HBOMax TV code and can’t figure out how to acquire or produce it, here’s a tutorial to help you out. We’ll focus on how to acquire the TV sign in code on all supported devices in this post. Sign in code for TV TV Sign In Code

There are two possible ways to get HBO Max: utilize it and activate it. It’s either an HBO Max (HBO Nordic or HBO Espana) subscription or a TV or mobile provider subscription. And to activate HBOMax on your desired device, you can either sign in with your email address and password or use the HBOMax TV activation code to unlock the HBOMax app on your device. In this post, we’ll go through how to activate HBOMax TV using an activation code and a TV or mobile provider. TV Sign In Code For Apple TV

To activate HBOMax on your Apple TV, follow the steps below to download, install, and obtain the code. 

  • Go to the App Store on your Apple TV. 
  • Look for “HBOMax” in the search results and choose the app from the list. 
  • To download and install the HBOMax app, click “Get.” 
  • On your Apple TV, launch the HBOMax app. 
  • When prompted, either “Sign in” or “Select a movie” and then “Sign in.” 
  • The TV sign in code will appear on the screen once you choose “Link to TV Provider.” 
  • On your phone or computer, go to
  • Select “Next” after entering the 6-digit access code on your Apple TV screen. 
  • Select your “Mobile or TV Provider” and log in using your email and password to your provider’s account. 

The HBO Max will then display a welcome screen. Select “Complete Account” after filling out the on-screen form. That’s how simple it is to sign in to on your Apple TV using the TV sign in code. TV Sign In Code For Samsung TV

The methods for using the sign in code to activate HBOMax ( on a Samsung TV are outlined below. 

  • On your Samsung TV, go to “Apps.” 
  • Select the Magnify glass in the upper right corner and search for “HBO Max.” 
  • Below the app rating, click the “Install” button. 
  • Wait for the Samsung smart TV app to download and install. 
  • To start the HBOMax app on your TV, press the “Open” button. 
  • “Sign In >> Link Provider” should be selected. 
  • On the screen, the TV sign in code for your Samsung TV will display. 
  • On your phone or PC [Windows or Mac] browser, go to
  • Click “Next” after entering the HBOMax app code on your Samsung TV screen. 
  • Select your TV provider from the drop-down menu and log in using your login username and password. 
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Once you’ve successfully linked the HBOMax app to your Samsung TV using the activation code on your TV screen, you’ll get a welcome message. Code On Xbox

Below are the instructions for activating HBOMax on Xbox using HBOMax/tvsignin. 

  • Log in to your Microsoft account. 
  • Go to “Store >> App tiles” in the menu bar. 
  • To download and install the app on your Xbox gaming system, search for “HBO Max” and select the “Get” link. 
  • Select “Link TV Provider” from the HBOMax app. 
  • On the screen, the TV sign in code for your Xbox will display. 
  • On your phone or PC, go to
  • Click “Next” after entering the 6-digit activation code on your TV screen. 
  • Sign in to your account after selecting your “TV Provider” from the list. 
  • Allow a few minutes for the HBOMax TV sign in code you supplied to be confirmed by the TV provider. 

Once you’ve verified and accepted the confirmation, a welcome page will display on your screen, and you’ll be able to use HBOMax on your Xbox. 

HBOMax TV Sign In Code For Fire TV

You may find the HBOMax TV sign in code for your Fire TV and activate the HBOMax app on your smart device by following the instructions below. 

  • To access the Amazon Apps shop, turn on your Fire and go to the Amazon Apps store. 
  • Search for “HBO Max” and then choose the app from the results or suggestions. 
  • To install the HBO Max app on your Amazon Fire TV, select “Get” or “Download.” 
  • “Open the HBOMax app that you just installed.” 
  • “Sign in >> Link TV Provider” should be selected. 
  • Take note of the HBOMaxtv sign in code displayed on the TV. 
  • Go to on your phone or computer browser. 
  • Click “Next” after entering the 6-digit HBOMax TV sign-in code on your Fire TV screen. 
  • Choose your Tv service from the options and log in to their website. 

Following the aforementioned procedures, a welcome screen will show, confirming that the HBOMax app on your Fire TV has been properly enabled. Roku

The procedure for activating HBOMax on a Roku streaming device is easy and straightforward. Follow the instructions below to complete this activity. 

  • Press the home button on your “Roku” remote. 
  • Select “Streaming Channel” from the drop-down menu. 
  • Find “HBO Max” with the help of the search box. 
  • To download an app on your Roku device, go to “Add Channel” and select “Add Channel.” 
  • Once the installation is complete, open the HBOMax app from the channel. 
  • Choose “Sign in” or “Sign in >> Link Provider” if you wish to watch a movie. 
  • On the TV screen, the HBOMax/tvsignin code will show. 
  • Go to using your smartphone or PC. It will most likely take you to
  • Select “Next” after entering the 6-digit code on the TV screen. 
  • Select your TV provider’s name and enter your login and password to access your account. 

The HBOMax sign in code screen will refresh at this point, displaying a welcome screen to indicate that the HBOMax app has been successfully activated on your Roku device.

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