
6 Steps to Increasing Website Traffic using Guest Blogging

If you have been looking for the most effective technique to achieve increasing website traffic for some time now, it is only right that you take some advice. As a blogger or website creator, you have to worry about the fame you generate on the Internet. This is because you need to earn money from your time on the web or blogging.

It is time for you to know in-depth about Guest Blogging and the main advantages you will gain from using them. Guest blogs are nothing more than a source of support for you to proceed to optimize your SEO and online searches. However, in the absence of misinformation, you may not know how to use guest blogs and may even be completely unaware of them.

Before you tackle tips on increasing follower traffic to your website, it’s good that you know how guest blogging can benefit you. With these blogs, you will profit from:

  • Improve the scope of the author. This is because Google prioritizes the article’s creator for the audience’s searches.
  • New links will be generated to grow the audience on your website and published blogs.
  • You will create awareness of your brand. That is, this will allow more people to focus on the articles you publish on your specific topic.
  • Companies with renowned brands on the Internet, in this way, you will have the security that your business will grow gradually.
  • Increase in likes, tweets, comments, and other actions available on the most popular social networks of the moment.

Now that you consider how important Guest Blogging is, it’s good that you know how to take advantage of it. To complete the process of mitigating the range in time and loss, you will have to comply with these 6 steps:

1. Optimize your online profile.

You should first configure your Google + account, Facebook profile, Twitter, and LinkedIn account without having it. It is good that you ensure the website has the correct links to the previously indicated social networks. You should check if the social networks are linked directly to your website.

2. Create some articles about your company and publish them.

For you to have the best results when linking from your website to guest blogs, you must work. In this sense, you must create essential articles about your company and publish them afterward. These articles must be excellent, of interest, and not touch on mediocre topics that the audience is not interested in.

Among some tips that you can take for the creation of articles about your company are:

– Use interesting, helpful, and insightful information.

– Check that your articles have good grammar and no spelling errors.

– Create subheadings that break the article into multiple segments with ease. I would also use bullets, bold words, and italics.

After complying with these tips, you only have to publish your articles and wait for a good result.

3. Show the websites in which you would like to participate.

It is good that you try to identify the websites with which you would like to participate within the industry. You can check your connections on social networks to contact someone to help you publish the blog. This method will require time and much research for good results in your company.

Now you will only have to use the Adwords tool linked to Google to see which keywords are most used in the topic. In turn, this tool will help you to know the key phrases to include in the article. You could also try searching for the most searched keywords to date and include them in the blog.

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4. Analyze your scope.

Usually, you will find the editor’s email or contact form on the website. In case you don’t have a quick answer, it’s good to send an email to the editors of the website. On the other hand, you could turn to linked social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

When you manage to communicate with the editors, you have to explain everything about your website and what are the objectives to be met. Eventually, the editor will analyze your request and respond quickly to it, so you don’t waste time.

5. Write, share, and don’t give up.

You have to focus on writing and sharing your ideas with guest blogs to have a positive response. The more requests you send, the higher the probability range of receiving a positive response. If your application is rejected, you should not get depressed but rather take it as an apprenticeship to avoid making the same mistakes.

It’s good that you don’t lose hope while submitting requests for a guest blog. You should not give up on ​​being published because if you get it, you will earn a lot of money. After the editor responds to your request in a positive way, do not forget to thank him for this opportunity.

There is a long list of Google advanced search operators that you can use to find guest blogging opportunities. Most of these search commands are a combination of words or phrases related to guest blogging opportunities. Here is a list of commands below:

Write for us Technology

Write for us Tech Blog

Write for us Business

“[your keyword]” +”Submit a Guest Post Technology

“[your keyword]” + “accepting guest posts”

“[your keyword]” + “Now Accepting Guest Posts”

“[your keyword]” +”contribute to this site”

“[your keyword]” +”write for us”

“[your keyword]” +”write for me”

“[your keyword]” +”become a contributor”

“[your keyword]” + “guest post”

“[your keyword]” +”blogging guidelines”

keyword + “guest post guidelines”

“[your keyword]” +”contribute”

“[your keyword]” + “guest column”

6. View the process update.

Finally, you will need to see the process update to see increasing website traffic. It would help if you kept an eye on progress in this regard to see how fast your website grows. This way, you will know if the trading strategy is good or if you have to change it to have a better result.

On the other hand, it is good that you keep track of the editors working with you and save the data of interest. You should see the progress of increasing traffic to your website each month and change your strategy. You can contact the editor who took your project if you see any problems in the implemented strategy.


Increasing traffic to your website with guest blogging can be complicated, but it’s not hard to achieve. You need to do enough research on the subject and take the essential tips below. It is good that you take some time during this learning and solve each one of the doubts that you have in mind.

The hardest thing about this strategy is getting an editor to take your articles and publish them from the rest. Everything becomes easy. You have to be persistent when applying the strategy and see what mistakes you are making. Do not forget that the experience could make you a professional in executing this commercial strategy.

To feel motivated to increase customer traffic on your website with guest blogs, you must know that the information provided is unrestricted. You could also use handy free analysis tools. It is good that you start with the trading strategy today and have a good result as soon as possible.

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